March 10, 2025
All about baby gates

They try to be everywhere and anywhere exploring their surroundings. This is the time when most undiverted attention needs to be given to the baby as they are more prone to getting hurt. Keeping a track of them 24×7 can be challenging for the parents and this is where the use of Baby Gates comes into the picture. These gates act as a fence or barricade to protect the babies and safeguard them from going to places where they can get hurt easily. Visit to know more.

baby gates

The first and foremost step would be to decide where exactly you would want this to be installed in the house. It can be used on stairways and doorways. It can be used to separate rooms and even to keep pets away from the baby’s room. Then calculate the measurement of the product required. Ensure that it has a triple- locking system which cannot be opened by the baby. It should be made out of non – toxic material, like bamboo, plastic, wood, fiberglass and it should not have any blunt ends that can cause harm to the baby. Doors should be able to swing open on either sides .These fences or barricades is available in different shapes, sizes, designs, materials and colours in the market. It can even be customised according to the personal requirements as all houses are not the same size or design.


Different types of gates available in the market are:-

Hardware mounted – these are to be fixed directly to the wall with the help of These are the most secure types as it is strong and permanent.
Pressure mounted- they are the ones that are fixed to the wall with the help of It is easy to fix but can make the baby slip and fall. It can be moved and fixed to other places.
Stairway – are the ones designed mainly to be put on top of the stairs or below the Thus preventing the baby from falling from the stairs or even climbing it.
Doorways – helps restrict the baby from venturing into the dangerous areas of the house e.g kitchen, fireplaces, outdoors etc. Visit the web link
Free standing fences – help babies to stay in an enclosed It is suitable to use while travelling ,outdoors and in the gardens. It is movable.